How to arrive from Aeropuerto Las Americas (AILA), Santo Domingo

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There are several ways to get to Las Terrenas from the International Airport of the Americas (AILA). Among them are taxi, public bus and car rental.

We can book a taxi to Las Terrenas for US $ 195 each way. If you wish to book this service, you can send us an email with detailed information about your arrival flight.

During the day there are 6 buses that leave for Las Terrenas from the Asotrapusa power station, located on Barahona street almost at Duarte Avenue, Santo Domingo. From the same central, buses also leave for Samaná; Be sure to take the bus to Las Terrenas. The travel ticket has a cost of US $ 8 per person.

Hours: 8.30am – 9.30am – 11.00am – 1.40pm – 3.00pm – 6.00pm (small bus).

Approximately 30 minutes later, buses make a stop near the AILA airport (10 minutes from Taxi – US $ 15).

If you want to rent a vehicle and depart from AILA to Las Terrenas, the trip lasts about 2 hours. The road is very close to the airport, it is in very good condition and you can drive safely during the day. The only international brand that has a branch in Las Terrenas is Avis: with them you have the opportunity to leave the vehicle here, if you do not want to rent it the entire vacation.

EYE: It is advisable to take the road to Las Terreras during the day, avoid dusk due to lack of signage, high headlights, animals, motorcycles without light among other things.

How to arrive from Aeropuerto Internacional de Catey, Samaná.


Public transport is complex, fragmentary and not recommended. We can book a taxi from El Catey airport to Las Terrenas for the price of US $ 80.

How to arrive from Aeropuerto Internacional Gregorio Luperón, Puerto Plata


Public transport is complex, fragmentary and not recommended. We can book a taxi from Puerto Plata for the price of US $ 180 towards Las Terrenas, Samaná.

How to arrive from Aeropuerto Internacional de Punta Cana


Public transport from Punta Cana to Las Terrenas is very complex and not recommended for foreigners. We can book a taxi from Punta Cana Airport for the price of US $ 400.

How to arrive from Aeropuerto Internacional del Cibao


If you want to take a taxi from the Santiago de los Caballeros airport we can book a taxi for the price of US $ 180 towards Las Terrenas, Samana.